Donating to Athenspets
Athenspets, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) organization; all donations are tax deductible as allowed by law. It is also an all-volunteer organization so all donated amounts benefit the animals directly!
You may designate one or more of our funds for your donations: Medical Fund, Spay/Neuter Fund, or the General Fund. Donations you make without specifying a fund are credited to the General Fund and used where they are most needed.
Other ways to help are by donating supplies, sponsoring a pet, signing up for free reward programs, and volunteering.
To make a tax-deductible donation to Athenspets, please use one of the links below or mail a check or money order payable to “Athenspets” to: Athenspets, P.O. Box 1022, Athens, GA 30603.
If you wish any public recognition of your donation, to be credited anonymously, or for the donation to be in honor or in memory of a person or pet, please include this information with your contribution.
Thank you for supporting Athenspets and helping the neediest animals in the Athens area! (Scroll down for fund descriptions and donation links.)
The Athenspets Medical Fund helps with the medical costs of the animals impounded at Athens-Clarke County Animal Services that are not provided for under the county’s budget. Donations into this fund help with the cost of amputations, consultations with specialists, enucleations, and life-saving surgeries. Treating the dogs and cats not only relieves their suffering but greatly increases their chances of adoption or rescue.
Donations to the Athenspets Spay/Neuter Fund are used to provide free or greatly subsidized spay and neuter surgeries to cats and dogs in the Athens area that have a high risk of producing unwanted litters, including young female animals, the parents of litters being surrendered to the shelter, and colonies of community cats within the boundaries of Athens-Clarke County. Our goal for this program is to reduce the future population of homeless pets in our community by targeting the animals most likely to add to it.
Donations to the Athenspets General Fund may be used to supplement the Medical Fund or Spay/Neuter Fund as needed, as well as purchase needed supplies for the shelter animals not covered under the county budget, run community programs to help keep animals in good, if impoverished, homes, and cover the training costs for the dogs in Project Homebound. These donations may also be used to facilitate the rescue of shelter animals by providing sponsorship, paying for training, or helping with the cost of short-term boarding and transportation to out-of-area rescues. A donation to this fund allows Athenspets’ Board flexibility in deciding on the best use of the contributed funds.